Discover Our Club's Legacy

Founded in 1995, the Oppo Boat and Ski Club has been a hub for enthusiasts who cherish boating, skiing, and Bass Lake summers. Our mission is to foster a vibrant community while promoting enjoyable outdoor activities.

0 years

Celebrating over 30 years of community activities and outdoor fun.

50 members

Join our growing family of passionate individuals who love summer activities at Bass Lake.

4 board members

Meet our dedicated board: Kristin Janettas (Commodore), Kerry Crotty Steed (Vice Commodore), Angela Diogaurdi (Treasurer), and Maggie Palider (Secretary).

1 note

Welcome to the Oppo Boat and Ski Club! We are thrilled to have you as part of our community. Our club is dedicated to providing a fun and safe environment for all members to enjoy boating, skiing, and outdoor activities all summer long. We look forward to seeing you at our events!